Polycarbonate Labels

Polycarbonate Labels represent one of the largest components of out total production. 

They are tough, durable, and offer many chemical and environmental properties that make them suitable for a wide range of applications.

We offer standard polycarbonate as well as branded polycarbonate materials such as Lexan, and Makrolon.

Benefits Of Polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is generally chosen for graphic overlays, control panel decals and labels for its robust all round versatility. It also offers the following properties and key strengths:

  • Optical clarity 
  • Mechanical Strength
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Abrasion Resistance
  • Mar Resistance
  • Non-Porous
  • Temperature Stability (-40°C to 180°C)
  • Elasticity (for embossed buttons)
  • Insulation Properties (CTI compliant)

Whilst these standard properties make polycarbonate stand out as a good material for many applications, polycarbonate is available in a range of enhanced versions for features such as:

  • Flame Resistance
  • Anti-Microbial Properties
  • RoHS Compliance
  • Abrasion Resistance
  • Mar Resistance
  • Temperature Stability (-40°C to 180°C)
  • Chlorine and Bromine Free Versions (non-halogenated ))
  • Low Electrical Conductivity
  • Diffusion Properties


Polyester is a high specification material that offer batch traceability should you mind that labels or overlays under-perform. Traceability allows materials to be traced right back the the source manufacturer allowing for trouble shooting and error identification to be carried out. This type of quality control is often required where advance performance for electrical conductance, anti-microbial and high temperature specifications are chosen across a wide range of industries.

Further Information

If you are considering the most appropriate material for your application, please feel free to contact us to find out how we can help you. There are a wide range of polycarbonate materials on the market, many suited for differing applications as well as other materials that might be a better choice.